Monday, June 22, 2020

Cultural Diversity In The Workplace The Advantages And Disadvantages - 3300 Words

Cultural Diversity In The Workplace: The Advantages And Disadvantages (Dissertation Sample) Content: TitleStudents NameInstitutionContents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Abstract PAGEREF _Toc516941333 \h 4CHAPTER ONE PAGEREF _Toc516941334 \h 5INTRODUCTION PAGEREF _Toc516941335 \h 5Problem Statement PAGEREF _Toc516941336 \h 6Objectives of the Study PAGEREF _Toc516941337 \h 7The overall objective of the study is to determine the benefits organizations get from promoting cultural diversity in the workplace. The specific objectives include: PAGEREF _Toc516941338 \h 7ï‚ ·To determine the advantages and disadvantages of cultural diversity in the workplace. PAGEREF _Toc516941339 \h 7ï‚ ·To determine the rewards and challenges of an organization in promoting cultural diversity in the workplace. PAGEREF _Toc516941340 \h 7Research Questions PAGEREF _Toc516941341 \h 7The significance of the research study PAGEREF _Toc516941342 \h 7CHAPTER TWO PAGEREF _Toc516941343 \h 8LITERATURE REVIEW PAGEREF _Toc516941344 \h 8Introduction PAGEREF _Toc516941345 \h 8Empirical Reviews PAGEREF _Toc5 16941346 \h 8CHAPTER THREE PAGEREF _Toc516941347 \h 10RESEARCH METHODOLOGY PAGEREF _Toc516941348 \h 10Research Design PAGEREF _Toc516941349 \h 10Data PAGEREF _Toc516941350 \h 10The population of the Study PAGEREF _Toc516941351 \h 11Analysis and Presentation of Data PAGEREF _Toc516941352 \h 11Limitations of the Study PAGEREF _Toc516941353 \h 11Ethical Considerations PAGEREF _Toc516941354 \h 11CHAPTER FOUR PAGEREF _Toc516941355 \h 13RESULTS AND DISCUSSION PAGEREF _Toc516941356 \h 13Advantages and Disadvantages of Cultural Diversity in the Workplace PAGEREF _Toc516941357 \h 14Advantages PAGEREF _Toc516941358 \h 14Disadvantages PAGEREF _Toc516941359 \h 15Benefits and Limitations of Cultural Diversity in the Workplace PAGEREF _Toc516941360 \h 16Benefits PAGEREF _Toc516941361 \h 16Limitations PAGEREF _Toc516941362 \h 17Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc516941363 \h 17Appendix PAGEREF _Toc516941364 \h 20AbstractDiversity in the workforce is an important aspect in determining organizational success an d effectiveness. Cultural diversity is particularly important in an economy which is culturally diverse. This research study seeks to show the advantages, disadvantages, benefits and challenges organizations face in incorporating cultural diversity in the workforce. More importantly, the research seeks to show the importance of organizations incorporating cultural diversity in their workforce. The research questions intend to answer the advantages and benefits of promoting diversity in the workforce as well as the disadvantages and challenges associated. Previous literature is reviewed with intention of showing the position of other researchers on the issue. Similarly, research methodology incorporates the use of study survey to employees of different companies from different cultures. The findings indicate a positive relationship between cultural diversity and organizational performance. The organizational performance is indicated by both individual productivity and team performanc e steering the company to success. The research findings concur with the reviewed literature indicating the need for many companies to adapt and promote cultural diversity.CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTIONThe concept of globalization has dominated every aspect of human existence including the workplaces. Globalization in turn creates culturally diverse communities with it demanding appropriate diversity management strategies for successful organizational operations. Many researchers have defined diversity with varying definitions which mainly share four broad characteristics as below indicated: * Differences in personality traits such as special abilities and skills. * Internal diversity such s gender, race, age. * External diversity such as culture, marital status, religion, nationality. * The organizational diversity that indicates positions and departments held by individuals.Similarly, other researchers have classified diversity in three major categories as indicated below:Source: Millike n and Martins (1996)Human resource departments world-over are challenged on the management and incorporation of diversity in the workplaces. Important human resource functions such as recruitment and retention, professional development amongst others rely heavily on the human resource department for appropriate strategies to harness the benefits of cultural diversity. In Canada, for instance, companies have continued to embrace the cultural diversity by creating inclusive working environments that consequently ("Workplace Diversity and Inclusiveness Forum", 2008): * Increases the accountability of every individual within the organization at all levels. * Enriching organizational cultures by ensuring equality and fairness for all employees. * Gaining value diversity from within the organization as well as from the organizations clientele. * Increasing productivity from all staff members who feel genuinely respected acknowledged and fairly remunerated. * Ensures that organizations hav e maintained and are committed to diversity through both constant company communication and actionable steps.Organizations face competitive disadvantage and consequently fail for failing to incorporate and promote diversity among the organizational staffs (Cox and Blake, 1991).Therefore, it is for the best of the organizational management to promote cultural diversity that acknowledges and appreciates every individual in the organization.Problem StatementThis research mainly focuses on promoting cultural diversity in the workplace. Soni (2000) argues that incorporating diversity initiatives in the workplace by formulating conducive policies and processes allows people from diverse cultural backgrounds to be productive in the cohesive working environment. Organizations are encouraged to promote ethical practices that aim at removing discriminatory barriers and prejudices that target specific employees and in turn create an all-encompassing work environment that ensures equal opportun ities, satisfaction and remuneration for all employees. This can only be achieved through promoting cultural diversity in the workplace.Objectives of the StudyThe overall objective of the study is to determine the benefits organizations get from promoting cultural diversity in the workplace. The specific objectives include: * To determine the advantages and disadvantages of cultural diversity in the workplace. * To determine the rewards and challenges of an organization in promoting cultural diversity in the workplace.Research Questions * Are there pros and cons to organizations bid to adapt and promote diversity in the workplaces? * What are the rewards and challenges to an organization in adopting and promoting cultural diversity in the workplace?The significance of the research studyIn this age of globalization and cultural diversity, organizations need to learn, adapt and promote cultural diversity in the workplace to ensure success in the organization. Organizations need to und erstand the implications of the changing workforce that incorporates heterogeneous cultures and races and how to tap the benefits therein for the betterment of everyone. Therefore, this research paper illuminates of the benefits the organizations and the community gets from promoting cultural diversity in the workplaces.CHAPTER TWOLITERATURE REVIEWIntroductionThe literature review provides a report if the view of other researchers and their findings on this topic. The chapter encompasses empirical reviews of the existing literature regarding cultural diversity. The empirical review helps in understanding the research problem well through direct and indirect observation and experiences of other researchers as well as exploring and understanding their findings and recommendations.Empirical ReviewsAccording to Esty, Griffin, and Hirsch, (2015), diversity refers to acknowledging, being considerate, accommodating and appreciating the differences between people with regards to their race, ethnicity, culture, age, gender among other considerations. Creating a business environment that values and incorporates everyone is an extensive and comprehensive diversity management process (Soni, 2000).Diversity involves respecting these differences and their uniqueness to each individual employee and not as a group. Therefore, competent human resource managers must recognize and become willing to incorporate appropriate and necessary changes to their organizations (Koonce, 2001). Similarly, diversity management and learning how to manage diversity and eliminate cultural biases and prejudices is critical to achieving organizational success (Flagg, 2002).Many researchers have concluded that safe and free office environment to communicate among colleagues as an effective method for promoting workplace diversity (Koonce 2001; Losyk 1996 and Flagg 2002). Empirical research findings have shown that businesses that conduct social gatherings and business meetings while providing a cha nce for every employee to participate establishes a friendly environment that promotes cultural integration between the workers. Such platforms are also necessary for constructive and crucial feedback that promotes learning as well as achieving success (Flagg, 2002).Review of the existing literature indicates the growing need for organizations to develop inclusive organization culture as well as promoting cultural diversity that values every employee. Research has shown that firms that support diverse cultures, promote diversity and ensure staff inclusiveness remain competitive in the market while maintaining a low staff turnover (Cox and Blake, 1993).However, there have been various obstacles to this implementation such as lack of adequate empirical research and guidance to help the willing organizations (Flagg, 2002; Armitage, 1993).While a lot of...

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